Thank you all for the nice welcomes.

I will have quite a few questions as time goes by and I promise not to be bashful about asking them.

I will also someday be posting some song performances of mine, but that day is quite a ways away yet. I have plenty on my plate already.
I do have some limited sequencing knowledge dating back to my old alesis mmt-8.
But that was years ago, and though I still have the old dinosaur, it has not had much use, lo these many years, due to it's limited storage capacity. And I refuse to attempt to save data to a cassete tape ever again. lol

The "arranger" part though, is completely new to me. And if and when I am ever ready to "take it on the road" again, I want to be proficient at using the arranger in live situations rather than just playing along to midi's.

Well, I am a bit beat after a long day at the salt mines and am heading off for a nap.

Thank you all again for the nice welcome.
Thank You
The old Newb