I never-ever drink on the job at a gig, with the sole exception of NYE. Even then the circustances have to be just right, as they were this past one. Private party of 150 people that I'd played for before. Champagne is my alcohol of choice and I put away something like three bottles in three hours myself, maybe more I dunno - you lose count when they come in plastic cups. Dangerously, I pulled off the party without missing more than a few notes and my patrons even gave me a bonus on top of the very good pay... but I had a hell of a time trying to pack up afterwards and load out in a monsoon. Fortunately my wife handled me well and even drove my around to wish my other fellow musos a happy as they were loading out at other nearby gigs. Since the rain had done in my hair and my ultra-colorful outfit and I was completely trashed I looked something like a rooster on acid. My no-hangover tip: two aspirin before going to bed. I was woozy the next day (and had to play) but ok.
Jim Eshleman