I hear you Bill but i have heard the E80 through a mixing desk and it sounds great . The piano sounds through the inbuilt speakers are simply not recognisable and this is after trying ALL the speaker modelling set ups. I know sound is subjective but i am not saying that the E80 sounds better than model X or worse than model Y. It simply sounds poor through its speakers.For its price tag £2200 , thats a very poor show . I have heard the drums through a mixer and i totally get what Squeak and Diki are saying about the dynamics of the kit. It sounds nothing like that through its internal speakers though. Its as though someone covered the speakers in paper and everything sounds thin . Its such a shame really becuaes i am certain many people will try and demo the unit as it is set up and decide not to delve any further with it. It would not surprise me if the E80 sales are worse than the original G70 was. What a shame becasue through headphones or a mixer the instrument kicks ass. I hope Roland are reading this. Whats the point in fitting cassio speakers to a two grand keyboard ?????