- - - - FLASH NEWS REPORT - - - -

Yamaha, one of the world's largest manufacturers of music keyboard and synthesizers is experiencing a GLOBAL MEMORY FAILURE affecting thousands of keyboards and is effectively reducing resale and trade-in values to ZERO. Concerned owners are warning consumers that now may not be the best time to buy a new music keyboard.

KEYBOARDS AFFECTED: The Yamaha 9000 Pro is currently the most affected Yamaha keyboard. However, there is an extremely high liklihood that Yamaha's flagship, a best seller called the "Tyros," will be likewise affected.

Well, have I got your attention? Don't go running to your keyboard to check your memory. It's not the keyboard's memory that's failing - it's the memories of Yamaha's corporate decision-makers.

You know, they're the guys that sit in the tower with the "bean counters" and try to prophesize how many keyboards they will sell at a given price. What have they forgotten? They've forgotten that they ever made a 9000 Pro keyboard and that they promised their customers continued support, upgrades, and additional features if they parted with their hard earned dollars and bought their keyboard.

Yeah, a mind is a terrible thing to waste but a wasting a good keyboard is even worse. There she sits (my 9000 Pro), looking at me from across the room. And she's wondering, "Where's that upgrade that my creator promised me?"

Gosh, there are tears in my eyes . . . how can I tell her that the Yamaha executives simply took my money but kissed her ass goodbye?

"Sorry honey, there won't be any new operating systems, no new voices, no voice editor, no new styles, and no new features ever." Oh my goodness, I felt her quiver as my hand passed over a few of the black keys.

If you want the full story . . . unabridged, in all its horror, then go to the link below. This tragic tale is being repeated throughout our land and its time to say, "NO MORE!"

Alright honey, I'm coming . . . just let me say goodbye to my friends on the zone.

Take care and God bless,

Don't forget to get the whole story:

BEWARE: You may have bought LESS than you think!
Some see, some don't, some will, some won't