I pretty much gave up on a similar XG quest sometime ago. I migrated all my midi files from GM to XG years ago and then I searched for ways to play those files on my computer(s) in a high-quality manner. It was all in vain - Yamaha keeps making products then disowning them, like the SW1000XG soundcard which reportedly had a good XG synth... discontinued. Then there was the Yamaha MU-128, not a soundcard but Yamaha's most powerful XG sound module... discontinued. Then I used the XG softsynth, the S-YXG50 & 100... discontinued.

Lately I've had to examine why I would want XG capability in a computer at all. GM/GS is still going strong but it's so limited.

My last hold on XG was using the Yamaha S-YXG50 on a laptop as a SMF player for backing when playing a piano... I did away with that program and now use the laptop to play MP3 files of my 9000 Pro playing my SMF's, which sounds much better.

In the end, as you know, I bought a duplicate 9000 Pro as a permanent part of my studio. I use it a lot. Maybe you should think about a used Tyros as a backup to your stage Tyros and as a sound module for your home computer.

For interest and future exploration, I bought Sonic Refills' Omnisoundz GM for Reason's NN-XT to allow Reason to play GM files in a reasonably good manner.
Jim Eshleman