Hi Synthzone forum member friends,

For the last 4 days I've been unintentionally disconnected from the internet & this forum because my internet provider (SBC) had screwed up my account as a result of me recently UPGRADING to their new faster (1.5Mbps - 3.0 Mbps downstream & 384Kbps upstream) 'SBC Yahoo DSL Pro' promotional connection package.

Today (Thursday) I'm finally back up on the internet, and at the new faster speed to boot. Unfortunately, my email inbox is now overflowing. My apologies to those of you who had emailed me over the past 4-5 days and not received a reply. I promise to reply to your emails asap. I look forward to catching up on reading & replying to the postings made here on the 'General Arranger' forum as well. Because I've grown so accustomed to coming here on a DAILY basis (over 5 years now), this 4 day absence felt like an eternity to me. The bottom line is that I'm glad to be back.
