Hey Gang,

Been working on trying to achieve some more balance in my life. For starters, I removed the TV from my bedroom. Bad feng shui . Plus since I no longer have cable, I don't really need it. I can watch movies on my mac anyway. I would like to get rid of a black stereo cabinet, that no longer fits with the room, plus I don't have room for it any where else. Most of the black furniture I have is in my office. I did buy a second buddha today, from a local antique mall. Have a couple of candles, but need a few more. Still need to replace the sheets on my bed, and buy some more artwork, for my walls.

Removing the clutter is hard. As there are some things I need to rid my self of. Old leather chair, a Korg controller keyboard, don't use it. A couple of keyboard stands, and some cables. A flat screen computer monitor, and ink jet printer. An old turntable, well only from the 1990's. Plus a lot of other crap.

There is still more that I need to achieve. Also working, on trying to be more positive, and less negative. Bit hard, when I have been cynically most of my life. I do need to relax more.

Once I start removing the clutter, things will become a bit better.

As Yoda said: "Do or Do Not. There is no try!"

