Originally posted by captain Russ:
Nok is a treasure. She desereves the love and companionship of her husband and "da Dude"!

So true, Russ.

Women...I can do without them...except this one. Same like you feel about your Annie, eh Russ? Nok really is the most undemanding person I've ever met. Although she's my wife, she'll always be my girlfriend.

I tease her all the time:

Taike: I've met this amazingly beautiful girl. I'm in love!
Nok: Who? When? Where?
Taike: Well, actually you know her quite well. We met a while ago and she lives around here.
Nok: Around here? Tell me, who is it? What did you two do?
Taike: Like I said, you know her. She's my girlfriend.
Nok: What? Your girlfriend? You're so bad!
Taike: Don't be upset, darling. I married her after all.
Nok: (silent for a while)...Hey, that's ME! You tricked me again!

Works every time. LMAO

Isn't it amazing -with a couple billion of women around- you end up with the one that's meant for you? One has more chance of winning the jackpot.

"Da Dude"...that's another story! Ha! Ha! By the way, that boy is running all the time and the other day he literally fell on his nose. Cried for a while which broke my heart. It hurts seeing him cry. Then he got up and started running again.

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