The Legacy M1 is basically like M1 on steroids. First of all it comes with most (if not all) of the M1 sound library. That means all of the M1 cards Korg ever made. On top of that it has resonant filters (which you don't need to be a synth programmer to appreciate).

The real thing looks poor in comparison. First of all there is no convenience of having easy access to all the sounds. What you get are time consuming Sysex dumps to load each new bank you want to try. Also, there is no way you will be able to find all of the cards. If any at all that is. Might find one or two but that's nothing comparing to the entire M1 library at your fingertips, eh? ...Or I should really say entire M1 library you can go through by just clicking your mouse a few times. Loading patches on the real thing would seem tedious if we're talking Sysex dumps and practically impossible if we're talking about trying to get a hold of all of the M1 card sets.

Just get the legacy M1 and control if from your MM6. Check if your audio hardware is ASIO For All compatible. If not then look for a better audio card. I think the Korg legacy stuff runs standalone so there's no real need for host apps if you just want to play with one.


[This message has been edited by 3351 (edited 06-30-2008).]
A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally.
- - - Oscar Wilde