Russ, that would be Crumar.

More history..I was a Crumar dealer in 84..I carried the whole line.
My distributor stocked me with the new digital keyboard.."Bit one"[a Ketron product]..Solton had the MS4, TS4[rack] and MS50..Lou[Bell/Duo} was the distributor for Solton, but not the Ketron and Crumar lines..I am pretty sure that they were manufactured at the same facility..

The other Italian line back then was Siel..I actually sold more Siel products..They had some great products and some great ideas and stats on paper[adds], that turned out to be bombs..We use to tell our customers to save the box[made it easier to ship back to the distributor when they go south]..The big seller for us was the DK-600[Stevie Wonder used one for a while[I think his equipment manager told him it was a DX7]..

As you may guess, my Bread and butter line was Roland.Jupiters, 106's, JX8p,JX10,MKS series[the good old days]..

[This message has been edited by Fran Carango (edited 10-18-2005).]