Pro Tools was indeed once considered to be sort of a world standard for har disk professional studio recording ; those days are gone.
Sure, one can spend the mega bucks on Pro Tools setup but is it really wirth it?

I used to record with digidesign hardware years ago and back then there wasn't anything besides TDM anDAE that did the job. Today there are so many other options...
So many I can't even fit them onto this page.

BTW, even when I used Digi hardware I used Logic as a front end. I find that even though they make good hardware their software is rather limited and is designed for sound engineers who live in the SMPTE world as in oppose to musicians who just want to write music,
So AJ, if you are planning to expand your setup then expand the hardware side of things. Stick to using the software that you are comfortable with.
Mind you, being a software fanatic by hardware I mean computers and audio interfaces.


[This message has been edited by 3351 (edited 05-03-2005).]
A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally.
- - - Oscar Wilde