If this global warming gets any wose, I'll freeze to death! Isn't it ironic that all this cold weather is now blamed on global warming by a handful of so called environmentalist--including Al Gore, the wannabe president.

What some folks fail to realize is the hole in the Ozone layer has nearly closed, on avage the earth's temperature has been nearly 2 degreez cooler during the past decade, the polar ice cap is slowly increasing in size and the predicted rise in ocean level has been 1/10th of an inch during the past decade. However, the politicians that have jumped on the global warming band wagon are now looking at ways to grab more of our hard earned money.

Yep, some states have recently enacted a tax on energy consumption. This is in addition to the taxes they already charge for heating oil, natural gas, etc. And, they claim the money they collect will go toward studies to curb global warming. The question that comes to mind is, how in the hell can anyone expect to solve a non-existant problem by studying it? But, you can bet your sweet ass that there will be a whole lot of PHDs jumping on the money train and every one of them will tell you just how important it is that they study this to death--just like all the other problems they've studies and never solved.

Yes, I am synical as hell about global warming and all the other BS that has come out lately from state and federal governments.


Travlin' Easy
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!

K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)