Today at 5:15 am at my train station in New York, I was assaulted by another passenger on my 5:22 train who took offence when I simply tapped his car with my door when exiting my vehicle. The tap was so slight, I didn't even look at my car or his. I didn't even know anyone was in the car next to me until he started honking his horn like an animal. I started walking away from my car and he bolted out of his car, checked his car then charged me.

Before I could apologize, he pushed me, I stumbled then almost fell to the ground, my backpack flew 6 feet away. When I rebalanced and started standing upright, he charged a second time this time he was cocking his right arm for a punch....that was his second mistake.

I had no choice but to defend myself and sadly I must say that a fight and struggle ensued which I am very embarrased about. I hurt this man. I broke his nose and his face was bloody. He tried to wrestle me to the ground, but I side stepped his attempt and insticts just took over and I started pummelling this man about 30 years old, 5ft 11in. I'm a 49 yo, 6ft, 225lbs, peace loving man.

Finally, he quit and other commuters broke up the fight. I walked to my train and this nut case got in his car and drove away.

My hands are all swollen and beaten up..I can't make a fist. When I got to work ( which I absolutely had to do ), I phone the police and gave them a report. I now have to go there after work to press charges.

I can't explain how depressed I am about this. I hate New York! Please Lord, get me out of this hell hole to a kinder, gentler place!!!

Pa4x - LD Systems Maui 28 - Mackie Thumps