Nigel - thanks!
It's good to hear some positive comments on FM.
I use a DX7, TX816 (fully loaded), TX81z and FS1R which takes FM to a whole new level. Can you tell me a little more about SY77? I come across those (used) all the time, but never had the guts to just go ahead and buy one. I've heard that there was something really odd about those.

I have an L.A. synth - a Roland D50. It's a very simple form of digital sample-playback synthesis. It does not use analog filters or anything like that.
L.A. is totally digital, with digital filters, envelopes and samples. But being the "first of a kind" D-50 doesn't let you filter samples. You can only filter simple waveforms like sawtooth and square and all the typical analog waveforms.
The really interesting thing about a D-50 is the fact that is the first fully digital synth to have RingMod and PWM. L.A. sounds are all over late 80's, early 90's hit records. They are kind of thin and cold, but nevertheless characteristic and unique.
Good example is the first few episodes of StarTrek the next generation. You can here a lot of D-50 there.

Tek, Knob tweaking guys (analog kids) DON'T dig FM, Period. It's a fact.
A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally.
- - - Oscar Wilde