I have a MU100R and a Korg X5DR. I am trying use them together to give multiple drum kits.

I use them in (still my favorite) Encore, for notation and sequencing. [Philosophy: If you write good charts on your computer, and you're marketing them, it helps to sell the charts if the MIDI renders the sounds well.]

Perhaps Encore is the problem and I need to move up to a newer program (Passport Designs
has been defunct for about 4 years, but Encore is still a sweet and capable notation program.)

Anyway, I haven't figured out how to get two XG drum kits together with one of the Korg's own drum kits. I have put the Korg on the A-Port and the Yamaha on the B. I did this both in S/W and with the cabling. I use a Tascam US428 USB DAW Controller, which has two MIDI In and Out ports. The MIDI controller is a keyboard for recording, and Encore is the sequencer for playback.

Encore has two 16-track banks. Any track may be associated with any of 32 MIDI channels,
labeled A-1 through 16 and B-1 through 16. I have assigned the two Yamaha to tracks 5 and
6, and used Channels B-10 and B-11 respectively. The keyboard controller is connected to MIDI In-A, and set to transmit over MIDI Channel 1 (it only has 16 channels.)

The Yamaha sometimes plays one drum set, but when I try to add a second part, changes occur in the patches that I don't yet fully understand. Sometimes I get another drum kit (good!), sometimes I get a different instrument (usually pianos -- bad!), and sometimes the sound cuts off altogether. But, I'm doing a lot of different things with the Yamaha setup. I'm not sure if I could reproduce some of what has already occurred
without spending lots of hours more and waiting for blind luck to strike. I don't usually have trouble keeping complex sets of information sorted out either: this one's somehow turned out to be a bear. Let me describe what I've tried.

I set the machine in XG mode.

I have tried different combinations of Part, Bank, and Receive Channel. Herein lies my
confusion, I think. I'm not sure of just what combinations I need. Having gotten one drum kit working, I have been known to try to set up the second one and have one of the unfortunate accidents occur that I descibed above.

As for Receive Channels, I've tried the usual suspects: A-10 and B-10, but also B-11.

For Parts, I've tried 5 and 6, which equals the Track number in Encore (I'm not sure they're related, it's only a guess.) I've also tried Parts 10, 11, and 26. I think that either 10 or 11 worked.

I know that Bank 126 and 127 work. I don't know whether any others do.

When I do get drum sounds from the Yamaha, my Program selections make sense.

Some combination of these works for setting up one drum kit. I haven't been able to get two yet.

Can someone explain how I need to set it up?