Well, this all sounds very exciting, but I have to stress I'm just at the stages of early research and until I sell my Z1 I won't be able to buy a toaster.

Basically, I was saying in another thread that my Z1 is too heavy and I'm considering changing for something more light weight and easier to program (like a Nord Lead 2).

Anyway, the thought occurred to me that maybe I should go down the laptop/midi controller keyboard route. But I have to say, I'm not so sure any more. I read an article on the web last night that said that laptops can't handle audio stuff very well for a number of reasons.

One of the main flaws (according to this article) was that laptops have smaller and slower hard drives. And, according to the article, this means that if you're using something like Cubase, then your system will start to freak out if you use any more than 4 tracks.

So, the upshot is, I'm really just trying to figure out what's what. But the offer from Uncle Dave certainly sounds like a good deal.