Hello friends,

A recent user of the KN SDExoplorer tool, Oliver, has difficulties, despite all information I sent and with great help from Joan and Ken we provided on the website Oliver needs help.

Who can help me helping Oliver, because I have no KN7000 anymore, so cannot test/verify:

This is what I wrote to Oliver (mailto:OMortrude@aol.com)

Hi Oliver,

I REALLY recommend you to register to Synthzone, free of charge, and send your questions to the forum. Within one or two days you will get answers of any of other KN SDExplorer users, like Joan, Bill, and many, many others.

And as I said: the tool is developed to handle Technics songs from KN7000 and KN2600, as if they were single files while in real each song consists of a number of file belonging together. Our tool makes it easy to change content of KN SD-cards much easier. You can download a folder with 20 songs and drop them on the initialized SD card as if dragging and dropping a folder with files in Windows Explorer. But as also is explained on the website in the specification: MIDI and Audio is not supported but left alone by our tool

Kind Regards, God Bless,


So who can make contact with Oliver and dig into it. I am very grateful for your help.
