Happy New Year;
The 2009 Florida Keyboard Conference will be held in Holiday,Florida.The same location as last year. The dates are March 24,25, & 26,2009.The theme this year will be similar to the first conference in 2005. It was called a keyboard jam, and was quite successful. We want to place emphasis on"jam". To have more keyboard music with more people getting involved performing. Some of the attendees are interested in the mechanics & technical abilities of the Technics KN-7000; however others are more interested with just playing. Also other keyboards are showing up at these conferences. You don't have to be a professional to perform. Anyone who can play at any level will be appreciated. Of course, there will be some technical advice and suggestions and they will be appreciated. All in all everyone is invited to play. Over the years between the forum & the conferences a great many friendships have been formed & developed. If you are planning to attend please email me at HACLBA@aol.m. The cost will be the same as last year. $20.00 perperson. I am looking forward to seeing you at the jam