I can't see why you should make such a remark! If you take the trouble to look at many of the "...threads with 0 or 1 response", you will see that they often only require one response or no response at all, if the post is just for information.
If someone asks a question and no one who reads it has an answer, then there will obviously be no reply. Also, some posts only act as an initial contact and then members communicate with each other via email, if the topic would not be of general interest to other members.

I know for a fact, that many members check in to the forum at least once a day and if they don't find anything relevant, then there is no point in posting.

If you think this forum is dying, have a look at the Yamaha forum!! 8 posts since September 2008!

The links that you quote in your post, only seem to be a series of 'Jukebox' performances. Furthermore, since that forum is not in the English language, it would be of limited interest to most of the members of the Technics forum.( www.jukeboxforum.be )

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley
( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)