I'm with Pilot, an XG'er for the same reasons. The GS extention is one I also use though. Their differences in the MIDI extentions seem to compliment each other quite well in many cases.
NAMM's original intent BTW has nothing to do with performers themselves. It is because professional performers have a business license whereby they may make purchases directly from manufacterers. Other than that, it's intent is for manufacterers to meet and colaborate with music merchants. For the music store to explain to the manuf. what the changing needs are in order to develop a finer tuned product to sell. Allowing the end user / general public in (as if they are not, somehow, someway) would turn it into a circus (as if its not).
NAMM tried to hold very strickt addmission checking during 89 & 90. The shows sucked and were quite more baron. They lifted the heavy checking & verifications.
In my general opinion however, the show still sucks.