To all KN7000-owners: The on-screen playalong page is published!
Joyce, Joy, Ted and Colin did a tremendous job. Please, convince yourself! Please visit

I whish the Jaybird Production Team good luck with this great initiative. I was honored that I could help the enthusiastic and inspiring Jaybirdteam. The more it is heartwarming that from all over the world (NZ,UK,USA and NL) the projectmembers share their talents to realise the on-screen playalongs. I am sure that future KN7000 owners will appreciate the great job you do. For sure: the Technics KN7000 is still alive ...
Cheers to you all,
Webmaster of KESO-Songs, KESO-Café and KESO-Jukebox.
Cees wink
Webmaster of Technics KN7000 Keso-songs, Keso-Café and Keso-Jukebox. You're welcome to visit