Originally posted by GAJ52:
I have just started using Cubase VST 5.1 with my KN7000 connected via the USB cable. Is there a Patch Script available for the KN7000 that will enable me to select different patches using names in the Inspector rather than hunting for a Bank/Program change number in the KN7000 reference guide.

Also, has anyone any tips on using Cubase with the KN7000 that is not documented anywhere.

Many thanks

Glen Coyne
Hi Glen,
I saw 'something' on Thomas Konig's website http://www.thkmcs.de/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownload&cid=14 Maybe this could help??
Cees wink
Webmaster of Technics KN7000 Keso-songs, Keso-Café and Keso-Jukebox. You're welcome to visit http://www.keso.nl