I have requested and received approval from Nigel,(THE BOSS), for this manual to be posted here on the synthzone for downloading. I am hoping he will have it up soon before Our lady Sissle wears out her computer mailing it to everyone. I will keep you posted. Incidently have you ever been to the front page of the Synthzone: http://www.synthzone.com/
Go take a look, there are lots of goodies there, and Sissle's Manual will prolly be there soon also.
She is also doing another manual for us that she may release some info on soon. It is also a much needed piece of work.

PS: Several songs are coming in for the 20 to 1 song swap. Where else can you get these kind of odds? The floppy should be going out soon, (soon is relative), with 20 Technics format songs all zipped up in a nice package Just as soon as I get yours.

Moderator SynthZone TECHNICS FORUM
Bill Forrest in SAN JOSE, CALIF. USA
bforrest@ix.netcom.com ICQ # 562519
Homepage http://members.fortunecity.com/bebop1