Originally posted by ogre:
Hi Tony,

How does your cardboard set up compare to just using a decent pair of earphones??


The difference between taking the sound away from direct contact with ears and putting speakers directly on your ears is night and day. The cardboard setup resembles sound coming from the inside of a piano cab. Cause it serves as a cab when in a corner. the 2 walls make cab sides and the cardboard the top. How can one feel at a real piano with speakers in your ears or headphones?????? How? You will feel like your at a keyboard, not at a piano. I desire real piano but cant fit one in my place. Maybe people get so use to the keyboard that they forget how its not so real. But after trying this for piano,,,,,, you will hear the difference. BTW A speaker pro told me one can cut a hole in a box and mount a speaker and it will be lots better sounding than no cab. cardboard resignates quite well.