Hi J Larry,
I can't remember being able to eq each part of the composer in the 5000 in the mixer. You could pan, and switch things on or off like digital effect etc but these would have to be global values. So I don't think the 5000 had part eq available for the composer in this way. Maybe someone with a 5000 could confirm this?

I know what you mean though, because these functions are not in the composer part 6000 mixer. I suppose it is because they can be programmed independantly for each intro, variation, fill etc etc. It might be difficult to global equalise something that has already had each of 8 parts within each of 20 patterns each individually equalised. That's 160 separate parametric equalisations. And that is just one single composer!

The only way would be to apply a global math to each setting, and have a good end stop strategy to prevent overload and distortion in the digital domain. Maybe with more memory it will be possible in the next machine?