wha? digitech? cough...ahem...
nah . . .(leaves this smoke filled room, opens the back door to a sunshining rose garden, steps outside)
Money you say? Look at it this way...
Why not buy what you are eventually going to wind up with in the long run anyway.
It's a lot better than buying 4 or 5 units that provide a comparingly sub standard sound to the unit you are going to wind up with anyway. You wont have to pay twice the price if you total the price of the others, but most of all, your harmony will sound as real as real harmony no matter if it's a voice or a cricket, a guitar,or Dick Chaney and Saddam smoking crack together in a smoke filled room. If your equipment does not lead the way, how could you ever expect your sound to?
don't get all bent out of shape now folks, it's just an opinion.