Rikki, I have used pattern copy extensively. Whenever I do an upgrade to a style, old or new, and change one of the fill-ins, I use pattern copy to copy fill-in 1 v1 to fill-in 1 v2, v3, & v4. Same for fill-in 2 v1. Saves a lot of time that way. The older styles only had the two fill-ins for all four variations, so why spend time rebuilding the same thing over and over? Pattern copy can be used to build your style, too. Once you have variation 1 finished, copy it to variation 2 and add another back-up instrument or maybe a tamborine, then copy that to variation 3, and so on. If you find a guitar chord you really like, check the step record editor to see how it was built up and copy the same notes, lengths, etc. to your style. Everything digital is easy enough to copy, just time consuming for the first example. A scratch pad and time without interruption is all that is needed. Have fun!