Who’s Uncle Doug? Me? Come to think about it, I guess I am. Me brother got two kids. Your right. I’m an Uncle among other things. Guess the Uncle in me is trying to keep this pot on the boil? Thought you were looking for a possible answer when you asked the question Quote: ”If the upgrades are not sanctioned by Panasonic/Technics can you explain why new keyboards are being shipped with the upgrades”? Just thought I would take a stab at it. Sorry, but I guess you only wanted Johnnie c. to answer now that I reread your post. I understand all about the things you cover in your last post. I also have been in the Mac environment of computing since 1986. Developed all of the invoicing, payroll, database and other programs necessary for operating my business, for there were none specific to the nursery and landscape contracting profession at the early introduction of the Macintosh Computer platform. Going to upgrade my Mac G4 duel processor to a G5 this fall as soon as I am sure Apple has everything fairly under control and releases the new operating system. The programs I have developed are under constant revision also as well as my music equipment is always subject to revision when I deem it advisable. Anyway Mike, thanks for being one of the first adventurous folks to step into unknown waters and make it safely across. Too bad some of the others did not make it without mishap but I also would like to express my thanks to them for trying. Too bad you think I’m running slightly lame equipment Mike, but you know, ignorance is bliss.

So old Grandpa or is it Uncle Doug will be signing off until maybe someone else throws another log on the fire under the pot.
Grampa Doug