I had posted this in another thread and then I was taken up on my invitation, by John North.
John sent me a solo piano arrangement he played of Take 5. It is good, I like it. I will be sending it out to our list members.
Nearly every day I turn everything off but the piano spread over all keys and just jam for half an hour or more. I don't want to loose my chops even at my age and become a button pusher. I have already been there and done that.
For many years many of us old timers with work stations only recorded one track at a time and we played every instrument.
I will even throw down an invitation to everyone here that is a musician and not just an arranger operator.
Lets record some PLAYED music and share it. I have sent mine out before and would be happy to do it again. How about you?
Please send me something you record on your keyboard using piano only, or any accoustic or electric lead instrument that you excell on. Those that are musicians can comp to your lead instrument playing.
How about it
Maybe Nigel and some of you good guitar players would lay down a track or two for us to build on, or back up
Anymore Takers?
My mail address is right up there at the top to the right of my nick in the tool bar. SEND ME SOME MAIL
Best to all