R1 will have GRAND PIANO, the APC is set to off. Pressing high C on the piano, I get high C. When I press the APC button to active APC, pressing the high C note (R1) it sounds the same, NO OCTAVE CHANGE.

I will then turn off the APC, change R1 to RECORDER SOLOIST. Press high C and get high C. Turn APC on, and when I press high C (R1) I get the Recorder Soloist one Octave higher then when the APC was off.

Doing the above using TOUCH FLAMENCO, goes the other direction when pressing high C. With the APC on, it sounds One Octave Lower.

What is triggering this event and could it be possible for the user(me) to set these myself somewhere? There are times I like to keep the sound the same when the APC is on as when it is Off, like the GRAND PIANO sound.
