Hi all,

I have recieved a few emails concerning the Technics For All Web Site.

Some of the questions asked, pertained to the type of files that are posted. I will do my best to help clarify your questions.

First let me say, that I started this site over a year ago, and a few months ago, my friend Andrew Hearne has completly taken over, it is all his, and all donations should be directed his way.

Now about the files. The songs you play on Technics For All are digital files. They are not Technics Files. The song files are in Windows Media Audio format, and have been compressed by me to 32kbps, so that all, including those on a dialup can have the opportunity to listen to these songs on your computer

I have noticed recently that a few songs are in MP3 format. This is Andrews decision. I used WMA to save space. Check with him if it's still ok to send larger MP3 files. Dial up Internet will have a longer wait for these songs, but, I can compress them futher if needed by you or Andrew.

You cannot download these songs to a floppy disk, and expect to play them on your Technics Keyboard, as they are not Technics or midi files. Of course if you have Panasonic SDJukebox, then you can convert these digital files to a format that the 2600 or 7000 will read and play..but that's a whole another story

I have saved all these files, but again, they are in a digital format, and are no different then the format that are posted on the web site. Therefore sending them out via email is rather pointless, when you can easily download them from the site

I do not have the original Technics recordings..never did. Unless they needed help in converting from the original Technics format to Windows Audio, the artist's simply sent me their digital recordings in MP3 or WMA format.

How does one make a digital recording, so that they may also have their songs on Technics For All?

Here is a link on Technics For All, that helps explain http://www.technicsforall.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9

Sorry, but I cannot convert your Technics song files anynore. It is not that difficult to record your Technics Recordings on your computer to an MP3 or WMA format.

What I can still do, is compress the MP3 to a much smaller WMA file for you, if you don't have the means. But I simply do not have the time to convert from Technics to WMA.

Besides all Technics keyboards play Technics Files a little different. I don't have every model keyboard, which means, I wouldn't be doing your song justice. (A song recorded on a KN5000, sounds much different on a KN7000)

So your just going to have to learn to record your songs and "then digialize" them to your computer..it is 2005...get with it!
Learn to do it

I hope this helps, and hope it didn't totally confuse you. If you have any questions...please ask . But do check on the link above, it should help. And while you are there, consider a donation to Andrew to help with the cost for the web server.

Larry Hawk
Larry "Hawk"

Hawk Music
Sadly No More frown

♫ 🎹🎹 ♫ SX-900