Hi Alex, I have with much pleasure listened to your songs. Gives good feelings in this stressed times .
I agree with your remark to share songs with each other. I'm working on one of my ideas in creating another webpage for those K7-players which doesn't have a homepage of their own (a kind of 'song-exchange' or 'marketplace') where K7-players of all playingskills (we are not all profs, you know ; Sometimes it's good to hear, to recognize that other player are also wrestling in a positive way to get better playingskills. P.S. I do not ment you, i ment in general )) are welcome to place his/her selfplayed songs, so that other could enjoy their music.
Best greetings,
Originally posted by AlexGreen:

Hi Bernie;

You are so right , you do learn a lot from other players.
I just wish more of our other 7000 players would send in their songs so we can all enjoy and learn from them too.

Thanks again
Cees wink
Webmaster of Technics KN7000 Keso-songs, Keso-Café and Keso-Jukebox. You're welcome to visit http://www.keso.nl