Gee Jack, that depends on the song. Back before I knew how to use all the gizmo's on the keyboard, I spent better than a month on "76 Trombones" because I had to be note prefect in one take. But, with expertise that comes from learning one's instrument, sometimes I can do two songs in one night. I usually spend hours in practice because I try out a lot of styles before the "right" one comes along. Some songs I leave just the way they were recorded, and some I fix with the sequencer editors.

The better a person is at reading music or at playing by ear, (I do both), probably determines how complex the song will be. Some prefer to record live, like myself, and others set up controls beforehand. I might spend a year getting ready to record 15 songs, then finish in two weeks. I try to keep the music simple, other prefer to layer the sounds, and some of the players on this forum are amazing! It all stems on how much time you want to put into your song choice and how good you want it to sound. In my case, the more time spent in practice, the better the results!

Have a Happy Holiday!