Hi John,

I had a problem with my microphone that the sound was very week, although the volume was on the high level. I found 2 things that were not correct.

1. My microphone cable was not specific for the microphone although it had the right connection ends.

2. I replaced the cable that I had with a new cable specific for microphone that has XTR connector on the other side, in which I needed an adaptor to a 1/4'' connector, that can fit our KN7000 (I bought Monster cable brand).
(After doing some tests I found out that XTR end with a special adaptor to 1/4'' works much better than a cable that has 1/4'' end on its own.) Volume wise and sensitivity wise is much better.

Now I hardly need a PA system. The KN7000 has a fabulous capability to carry voice, with the right cable the right adaptor.

Doron Peisic