My previous post "I dont want to hate my KN7000" was actually done tongue in cheek. I don't hate my KN. I'm not getting rid of it. (unless someone makes an offer I just can't refuse

There's a quote from the Bible which says no man can serve two masters. He'll hate the one and serve the other. Well, fortunately, that doesn't pertain to keyboards. I love all my keyboards. They're like love them all for their own unique qualities.

I think my KN is very cool. It does things none of my other boards do. The thing that excites me about my PSR is that it packs a lot of quality for the price. But I also love my VA7 and my KN7000 and even my KR7 digital piano. They ALL bring the joy of music into my life.

I really enjoyed your responses. Uncle Dave, you are too cool. Larry, fear not...I won't be knocking on your door with my PSR under my arm. I love all you guys. This is such a great forum. Keep on making music!

Tim Schaeffer

YAMAHA CVP-509 / Korg Pa300