I am trying to find the best solution for filing custom styles on SD card. I have downloaded the reprise custom styles from the technicskn7000 site as single single .cst. and also the various grouped .ast files. The grouped files however are not grouped the way that I like. Now I want to group them, e.g. balad styles, blues styles, rock styles etc. so that I can easily search for the best style that suits a certain song.
The manual gives unsufficient information (shame on Technics!).
I prefer to have groups of styles in sepreate folders on the SD card of which I can load single styles.
I found out that the only way to save/load .cst files is by the custom style load/save option in a special folder and it is not possible to create groups into that special folder. I also cannot find out how many single styles can be saved in this special folder.
My conclusion is that the only way to make style groups is to create .ast files by loading each .cst file (up till 20) from floppy to custom and save customs as .ast file to a folder on SD. This is very complicated and time consuming. I wonder if there is an other solution to this. Maybe by Techmanager? I do not have a card reader.
I welcome any advise on this subject.

I wish every forum member a Happy New Year and a lot of musical pleasure in 2003.
For Technics I wish them to get the awareness that we need more information from them to achieve optimum pleasure out of their instruments.