Whilst online fraud is very common, we can do many things to safeguard our computers and thus make it more difficult for these people to rob us.
However, don,t think that is all we have to worry about. About four years ago I had two ammounts taken from my bank account. The first was £60 and the second was £4000 which were both supposed to have been paid into a credit card account issued by the same bank to me. The money never got into the account.
After many phone calls and being worried to the point of feeling very unwell the money was repaid into my bank account with no more contact from the bank.
Nine months later I heard on the local news that a bank employee from the same bank but not the same branch had been sent to prison for stealing customers funds.

If I had to make a bet as to where my money went I think you all know where my bet would be placed. As I said earlier, all monies were replaced so I was lucky enough to have a happy ending but for about two weeks I was worried sick.

I suppose the bottom line is,

We don't know from which direction the fraudster will attack.
