Thursday, April 20th--a very momentous day for the Jaybirds (and, hopefully for you all, too!). It was one year ago today that our special friend Cees posted the first Jaybirds Playalong on his magnificent Keso site (http://www/ Since then, we have diligently been working to provide you all with a variety of fun music to amuse you--(perhaps even at times to amaze you)--and to offer you opportunities for building your musical repertoire and challenge your keyboard abilities.

Upcoming very soon will be Playalong #23, a wonderful arrangement and rendition by Colin of a traditional Italian song, made famous in later years in English by the King--Elvis Presley. We hope you will all enjoy it and look forward to your always-welcome comments and suggestions to any or all of us.


Joyce, U.K.
Colin, U.K.
Joy, N.Z. (the Kiwi Jaybird)
Ted, the Yankee Jaybird, U.S.A.