While waiting for my KN 7000 to arrive, I have been giving a lot of thought to a coding system that hopefully will work with the SD Card. My SX3 directories number 001 through 030 each with a name for style category such as 001 Swing/Big Band, 008 Jazz 019 Latin etc.
My SX3 HD styles are identified by five digit codes i.e. a directory (3 digits) and two digits 1 through 16. The two digits identifying a specific style. Thus 00801 =Jazz Quartet, 00802 Manhattan Jazz etc.
This stysem works well with the "auto load feature" of the SX3.
All the HD files are backed up on floppies wirth all styles being "performance ready" to do a gig.
Since my computer stysem is Macintosh it doesn't appear I currently have to worry about loading infor from a computer...Hopefully that may change.
I planned to use the same code system
on the SD Card, identifying a folder for a style category and a two digit code within a folder to identify specific styles. All folders and styles to be named. All data to be loaded from floppies and manually named as entered one by one.
I plan to use at least a 128 mb SD Card.
After reading Alain's problems I am not
sure my coding system will work or whether I need to revise the codes.
Mel in Florida
Bobby Bear