Thank you so much for getting in touch,and thank you very much indeed for explation on the output assign on arrangers, what was unknown to me was while the Audya 5 was connected to my Audio interface at home, wheni recorded my last song I forgot I had the balance panned more to the right, an oversight on my part here, once I panned to center on my Scarlett interface 2i4 all was fine, but to answer your question in relation to why I wand control over the drums, drums as a whole through the pa also that I can EQ on the mixing desk, a channel for the drums and a channel for the chords and bass, yes your right with regards to internal volume, so now basically over the last few days I went into my view window and turned all levels to max at 63, and brought all faders up full, I have yet to put it through the pa system later today, my thinking is if all is up on the keyboard, my total control will be just the faders on the mixing desk, in your professional opinion do you think I'm off my head doing it this way,
reason being I simply do not know what's the correct levels to have my drums at internally some sayeave them up at 63 for midi drums anyway and bass, but then the audio kits are a complete different setting, it's beginning to get very confusing to get a great balance on a live stage,
Sorry for going on here, but I sincerely thank you once again for replying, I'll eventually get it right..