Originally Posted By Bernie9
Hi Rikki

I was hoping you would respond. The course PIANO 21 DAYS by Jaques Hopkins. The course, upon further examination, is geared more for absolute music neophytes. I already know how to find middle C and what a chord is. The tail end starts showing you to add arpeggiation, or the like, to a block chord for movement. Left hand manipulation is really all I need. The coarse is too expensive for me at $970. I guess instructors can't make any money on abbreviated courses, as I would have to start in kindergarten .

Hi Bernie, that sounds expensive.
I joined Pianote a couple of years ago, did it for few months. She has a heap of utube clips you could check out to see if it’s what you may want.
I think they have a trial period, or at least they used to.

Half tempted to give it another go now that I have 88 notes on my Korg.

Another one I found the other day Piano with Jonny. More so jazz based. Heap of utube clips to checkout. I think a 1 or 2 week trial period. Heap of stuff on chords.

The other one I used to enjoy was called Piano with Willy.
I used to be awake half the night in bed with a set of ear plugs and iPad listening to the guy or joining live forums. It was really very interesting.

I think it’s now called JazzEdge Academy


They seem to have a new system going something about credits. Got an email this morning about it.

It used to be a case of you choose what you want to learn.
Definitely with Lisa’s Pianote, and with Jazz Edge. I’ve spent time on both sites.
Pianote used to be if you wanted to play pop , ballads , though there’s probably more choice by now..

JazzEdge I joined because I wanted to play standards. He used to have a great course where you’d work on the same song starting from simple chord shells, to filling it out to quite a complex arrangement.

Not sure if he has utube clips, but there are clips on his site for the courses.

What I normally do is sign up for a monthly if possible, work out what I’m interested in. Download the music provided. Work out roughly how to learn the songs, rather than spend days , weeks whatever learning a song thoroughly. I watch the clips of the music I’m interested in, over and over I stay for a month or 2. I then learn the songs thoroughly in my own time . A month , 2 or 3 months later, I join again and find some new material to learn. The idea for me is how to play the songs ie tips and tricks I can pick up , that will work for numerous songs.
On Pianote I did a course , something bizzare like 500 songs in 5 days. I saved the sheet music, I watched the lessons ( they didn’t teach 500 songs ) just a method of being able to play them.
The only reason for signing up for 12 months or long term would be if you want to keep progress on what you’re learning, ie you’ve finished 50% of this course, and 20% of that, I don’t need to spend $100’s per year so that I can know how far I’ve progressed.
Work out in the first month or 2 what problems you may have and ask the questions during that period.


P.s. I’ve also tried some of the apps. Don’t waste your time, it’s more fun when there’s a human involved.

My first piano teacher told me I was too old to learn at the ripe old age of 20.
I didn’t want to become a concert pianist, I just wanted to be able to play, something , anything.
We parted ways a few months later. Boring as, I was learning classical tunes that 6 year olds played.
Thank goodness we’ve come a long , long , way. There must be plenty of people out there like me who just want to play for fun. Don’t necessarily want a music career, just be able to play an instrument and have some fun.😀

Edited by rikkisbears (05/10/23 10:06 PM)
best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022