Paul, Congrats on the new piano, Beautiful trio, your wife the piano and a first class guy.

There's nothing like an acoustic piano in my book. Way back in 1975-78, I worked for the Steinway dealer in Providence, Rhode Island. Wow, there was nothing like playing the concert grands either the 9-foot Model D or even the 7-foot Model B.

You rarely see me post here and I think Chas helps explain why.

Originally Posted By cgiles
Hey, I'm just talking about making every thread about YOU (and your amazing insights, superior intelect, and BETTER approaches or solutions to EVERY forum situation (performance, recording, instrument feature, playing technique, etc., etc., etc.). Maybe there's a place where only ONE person's opinion is always the only correct one and is ALWAYS superior to anything anyone else may think or say, but I haven't found it yet.

If there is ONE SURE THING that will kill a forum and stifle membership, it's boredom...and the presence of ONE dominant individual who seems to participate ONLY to display his IMAGINED superior knowledge and intellect for the rest of us mere mortals to be amazed and inspired by. It's not that individuals don't have anything to offer, au contraire, it's more about the smug, condescending way in which they impart it.
