Originally Posted By Mr. G
Is it just me or are you all hearing what I'm hearing, I keep listening to the styles and sounds demos and the new Event,looks great but it just sounds like crap. So, I Liston to some more demos and the more I listen the worse it sounds. I hope I'm wrong cause I really want to like this new TOTL Ketron but so far not so good. So far it don't appear to be much of an EVENT.

Perhaps it would be better (and help others understand better too), what exactly makes it sound worse as you listen to more demos (e.g on this demo [], the strings sound bad, the drums do not sound real, on this demo [], the bass sounds artificial at xx:yy and if you listen closely at yy:zz, it sounds like someone's cat ran over the record player)...etc. Tangible points that your audience or other SZ members can allude to and possibly recognize and support your view are needed. Without that, we are left with sound which is subjective (to begin with) and you have no reference point to even start with.

The same applies to those who say it sounds excellent ...listen to the drummer at mm:tt, the snare drum is like no other heard on a keyboard in this video [], or that sax at uu:vv found here [] takes one to Heaven and back again.

Then we can truly have discussions on instruments, and not just folks elevating ... or tarnishing a brand because of its name.

Just some thoughts to throw out there ...
Design Engineer & Product Specialist.