I think you can achieve that 'swing feel' without the help of the arranger by the way you play OVER the STRAIGHT beat. In fact, to ME, it sounds more natural that way. JMO though. Everybody feels 'groove' differently, some people, not at all. My poor wife was that way. You could set a metronome by her playing but she had no feel for 'groove' ('feel', 'syncopation', whatever) at all (and she was good enough to play in the Philadelphia Summer Orchestra - that was the Philadelphia Orchestra without the First chairs). It MAY not be teachable. It could be one of those things where you either feel it or you don't. If you don't, then maybe that's where that machine-generated 'swing factor' could be useful. Hmmm, wonder why they dropped it as a feature?

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]