Thanks Willum, I have been to your site and downloaded the files, while there I also enjoyed reading your pages... my house is awed when I tell them I am playing along with someone who has done as much as you have, and so am I!
I think some of the files I got from your page in groups, I also got as 'singles' elsewhere resulting in the duplication - but I want to make sure. On the PC when I was unzipping I noticed an identical filename style part was not the same size as the one it would overwrite so called a halt to that quick-smart. Now I want to listen to all of them to sort them properly, a task I shall enjoy even if it has to be a little slower on the keyboard.

Rog, I tried adding the .mid extension but no luck, ah well

Bazz, if you haven't checked out Willum's files already, do! I'm really chuffed to have found them, song specific styles are my favourites I'm in Co Clare with my KN2600, where are you?

I haven't even had time to listen to them all yet, family, the weekend & file management getting in the way. I've bought a 64MB Panasonic SD card on ebay (£4.21 incl postage, aren't they cheap now?) and intend getting a couple more of this size to use for styles, and perhaps one larger for songs. I'll use the original small one for experiments LOL. If anyone has any recommendations for file management they would be interesting to hear. I'm only playing for myself (headphones in the kitchen) so it is just a tidy/organization thing, not for gigs or speed etc...