For Live Playing
I have A, B and C loaded in three categories, Big Band, Combo Solo Voices and Orchestral. Since I have the location of each registration memorized I can easily move around and spontaneously play most songs keeping the Panel Memory set in the Normal position. All 24 PM’s have edited sounds as part of the registration.

For Recording
The ten other PM’s have edited sounds in different categories, such as Horns, Woodwinds, Strings, Percussive such as Guitar and Electric Pianos. As I build an arrangement, with all 104 edited sounds I line up the registration changes starting in A1. I then put the PM into the Expand Mode and add the rhythm and tempo information. While this is a bit of work, I’m then free to focus on the performance. After recording, I go back and make the level and sound processing changes.

I’ve left out the business of building the styles and solos. That might be another subject for us to talk about.
