Originally Posted By LeonB
MDF and playlists have their advantages, but I don’t use any of those options. MDF was limited because he could not memorize the Lyrics, and using a playlist is not practical. Try skipping from 15 to 589 records so you’ll know why I’m saying that.

I only use banks and registrations, I know where everything is and I’m fast enough to perform live.

WiFi control Yamaha arranger via iPad and MIDI designer app

Your program looks interesting, thanks for sharing the link to it. What's nice about our arrangers there are several ways to accomplish the same thing. Each one of us has our own method. I don't have one huge playlist I have them in categories and depending on the gig I can choose a particular Playlist so instead of having 589 records I'm working with 100 and like yourself I'm also fast enough to switch during a gig.