Hi all! I´m back from SD90 to AUDYA, because is the best even in 2021, the rock styles (background live distortion guitars riffs have no other keyboard in the world!). Sorry, SD90 have only a few live guitars for rock styles ... I own AUDYA 5, but it's too heavy to carry, so I bought an AUDYA 4 module with the latest 5.4C, but on this firmware not working some good styles from HENNI, which I play on AUDYA 5! Once again, thanks HENNI for these great styles!

So does anyone have firmware 5.2a on AUDYA 4 please? I need probably only the file AUDY452A.MEM (it should be in root folder on Audyas 4 HDD). Many thanks for save me ...

OR please, KETRON, let us create a LIVE USER GUITAR freely on SD90! Thanks.
Nord Stage 2, Ketron SD90, Audya 4+5, SD1000, Roland E-A7, SC8820, Korg microarranger, Alesis Vortex, TC Helicon VL2, Soundcraft Ui12, JBL EON ONE (2), RCF312A