Originally Posted By Delkeen

Is there a way to go from, say variation 3 to ending 1 from the front panel? Or do you do that via performances? I was actually thinking of revising several of the styles to overwrite ending #1 to the other endings. Is that feasible? Or is there another option that you've had success with?

There is a way to go from any variation to any ending, but not with one button press. If you simply press Ending you get the Ending of whatever Variation you are in. But if you hit the Ending button then IMMEDIATELY afterwards hit the Variation button for whatever Ending you want, it will go to that Ending. You will see a confirmation of this in the lights... the Variation you are in will be on solidly, and the Ending you are going to go to will flash.

Likewise for Intros. Before you press Start, you select the Variation you want to be in after the Intro. Then hit the Intro button and select which one you want. The light for the Intro you selected will shine solid, and the Variation it is going to will flash.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!