A guitar player has to deal with chords, it is a large part of how the instrument is used. I took that knowledge to keyboard, (my left hand) – it became my guitar player. Learning a V7-I progression in all the most used keys was my first step. Songs are filled with V7-I progressions.

Key of C – E7 to A or A7, V7-I progression. C7 to F.
When I became comfortable, I added the IIm7 chord to the V7-I progression. V7 to I progression became IIm7 to V7 to I.

I played major scales with my right hand: first one octave, then two octaves.

Ask yourself questions like; Why does C7 to F sound better than C to F? And what happens when get to the F chord? And how does that change effect my right hand.

With 50’s type of music progressions are not a major issue.
Keep it simple, (KISS), John C.